Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Checking In on the Reading Table

Thanks for the well wishes on my recent winter crud.  I'm out of school now and optimistic about recovering faster!  I do feel better.

I'm about to run out before the crowds start stirring and finish up some last minute Christmas shopping and take care of a couple of other errands and then plan on hunkering down until the holiday is over! 

I have plenty on my reading table to keep me busy.  I've just finished Condoleezza Rice's book, Extraordinary, Ordinary People.  I thought it was a lovely tribute to her parents and her upbringing.  It reveals a great deal about the woman herself.  After I finished it I looked at some of the reviews on Amazon, just out of curiosity and some were disgruntled because it wasn't about her service with Bush.  That one is yet to come.  Rice inked a two book deal with Crown and this one was to be about her parents and her upbringing in segregated Birmingham, her tenure as provost of Stanford, and into her early political service.  All in all, it was a lovely read.

Now I'm on to Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken.  You'll remember I recommended highly Louis Zamperini's own version of this tale, Devil at My Heels.  I wanted to read his version of his own experience first.  Once I started Zamperini's book, I couldn't put it down.  What a story!  Hillenbrand is rounding out the rest of the story and adding some research and background.  I'm halfway through right now and thoroughly enjoying it.  I'm glad I read Zamperini's book first, though.  They ought to be a companion set.  I'm sure there's a movie not far behind.

My reading stack is towering when I finish this one.  I have Bobby Jindal's book, Leadership and Crisis sitting by.  I also have Jim Brown's Justice Denied. 

I have a couple of fiction works in there as well, and Stephen King's latest book of four short stories. 

Lots to read!  And lots of time to read over the next two weeks!

As for now, I'm off to finish shopping then back to see what I've missed in the political world over the past couple of days. 

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