Monday, December 20, 2010


...again. I woke up Saturday with my semi-annual crud. I went to the doctor today:

"Ah," he says. "Is this your 'winter' crud?"

Why, yes. Yes it is.

He checks me over, prescribes the ritual antibiotics and Celestone shot and says,

"Call me if the fever spikes. See you in March!"

Needless to say, regular blogging will resume shortly. Off to bed now.


  1. Just wonder if you smoke Pat. I did for 27 years till I was 35 years old when I quit. I had the crud every year and used to tell the doc, give me my steroid and antibiotic shots and a script of Eurethramician because that's what he gave me every year for it, sometimes twice.
    I quit smoking in 1994 and have had the crud 2 times in 16 years now. Just wondering if the smoking could be the cause.

  2. Nope, never have smoked. And I haven't lived with a smoker in 8 years. I just attribute it to teaching in a high school where any number of teenagers and sharing germs on any given day.

  3. Pat, that sucks! Seems I remember finding your blog about this time last year, and you were suffering then.


    Merry Christmas anyway.

    Be healed!

  4. Go see a pulmonologist. You have chronic bronchitis. Istead of taking celestone, you would be better off with Advair. The antibiotics will only work if you happen to be infected (yellow sputum or fever). Likely you have a component of bronchospasm that does not manifest itself as classic asthma. You don't need to be a smoker to have this problem. Also, look at your family to make sure they don't carry a genetic problem. Another source of potential difficulty is allergy. This is a big time for mold, so is March.

  5. @David
    I think you're probably right about the bronchitis. I'm already on Advair, Flonase, and Allegra and it does help.

  6. There's a rotten germ making its way around this year that just drags on forever. I am NEVER sick, just never, caught this cold at Thanksgiving - a legacy from the newlyweds - and am still sniffling. Naturally, I was gracious and have shared it with the love o' my life too. Between us some took antibiotics, some took homeopathic remedies, some did nothing, and all suffered about the same.

    Get well soon! Rest is a great healer. :-)
