Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Keep Maureen Dowd Away From the Nutmeg

I think Maureen Dowd has had enough nutmeg...

The caribou that waited too pliantly in the cross hairs is doomed to become stew for Palin and an allegory for politics. The elegant animal standing above the fray, dithering rather than charging at his foes or outmaneuvering them, is Obambi. Even with a rifle aimed at him, he’s trying to be the most reasonable mammal in the scene, mammalian bipartisan, and rise above what he sees as empty distinctions between the species so that we can all unite at a higher level of being.

Palin’s father advises her to warm up her trigger finger. And trigger-happy Sarah represents the Republicans, who have spent two years taking shots at the president, including potshots, and tormenting him in an effort to bring him down. 

An intervention may be necessary.


  1. It's ok. Mrs. Palin and all the other reality Palin's will be completely ignored by the media and fan people who have lost their televisions along with their homes. Next season a new reality star will appear along with her children and extended appealing and irrassible parents and in-laws. The same characters will be replaced with the new people playing the old parts.

  2. Pat, I like it when we agree on something.
    She must have got some of that high quality nutmeg like Hutch was gonna sell me.
    Wow, just wow.

  3. She has had too much nutmeg. On the other hand, I am really tired of hearing about Sarah Palin. Why? Sarah Palin is unelectable now and always will be. Trust me..if the more qualified Hillary Clinton could not secure a nomination from Obammy then it will be decades before this country will elect a woman President.....

    Palin needs to stay on the reality show "My daughter is a teenage mother" or go on "Dancing with the Stars" and see if she can make it as far as Bristol...she would have a better chance there than ever getting elected to federal office

  4. Watch it Hutch, I am as conservative as conservatives get, I am a Reagan Conservative, and I once said Palin would not be a good choice for a presidential candidate, and I was called a "rich" RINO from some "working class" guy from Arkansas.

    Charlene, your incoherency in what you wrote leads me to believe you need to lay of the nutmeg, too.

  5. Charlene

    by the time Obammy is through all the homes and televisions are going to be government property and if we want one we will have to lease it from the government....

    G R
    a "working class guy" from Arkansas is either in construction or landscaping. The pet phrase of someone from Arkansas is "thank God for Mississippi"
