Can someone please explain to me why when it is discovered that Joe the Plumber owes $1,200 in back taxes he is vilified and totally discredited but when Timothy Geithner is discovered to have not paid some $32,000 in back taxes and had an illegal in his employ, it's an "honest mistake"?
Hmm. What, media bias? You think?
Pat, you have to get your mind right. You're running out of time. There is a world of difference between the treatment of these 2 men. One of these guys dared to ask one question of a demi-god. The other is going to work for the demi-god.
Seriously, you're really trying to prove media bias by comparing the treatment of a potential Fed Chairman to the treatment of a plumber riding 15-minutes of fame? That's quite a reach...
And to RightinFlorida: Maybe it was that Joe asked a question, exposed his own lack of intelligence with some elementary comments about Obama being a socialist, and then was catapulted into the spotlight by a fledgling and desperate campaign. He's a joke.
Dislike Obama and democrats if you like, but you should be angry at your party for putting forth such dribble as Palin and Joe the Plumber, and trying to sell it to you as an idea and new direction for our country. What a circus.
Um, Anon., you're basically proving Pat's point (that the two shouldn't get the same treatment). Either you are too dumb to realize that or you have no real argument.
his $32K is relative in numbers and when put into perspective of the amounts he was managing - close to Plumbers mistake of $1,200.00
that being said -Plumber is villified b/c some resent how he was martyred by the desperate Republicans - not fair, but not surprising either
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