Why did I Google that? Because a friend told me she had a hit about it on her sitemeter. I'm testing a Google-bomb. Hey, my stats are low today.
Sorry kids, yes he is. And with three kids. He spends his off-time coaching his kids' sports teams.
What is it about men in uniform? Or out of, for that matter?
Yeah, we know why you were really Googling that!
I did no such thing! ;-)
Or a man that stands up for his principles. Now that's hot.
Alright - it's not Antonio Banderas hot but he is kind of cute in a law officer kind of way and I'm only willing to objectify him because he "supports Obama 100%" otherwise - you know - I'd respect him in the morning and stuff.
Sarah, Why would Pat be looking in the ground beef section, when she has a beef cake cop of her own? ;-)
Steve - that's what I tried to tell her! Just beware if Sgt. Crowley ever shows up in Shrevport LOL ;-)
I have nothing to worry about. Pat has me trained the way she wants me, and she wouldn't want to have to start all over again.
Steve -
You two are too sweet :-)
In that case, as I told Pat earlier, if Sgt. Crowley or any other attractive single men show up, she has my contact info :-)
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