Friday, June 5, 2015

Red River Flooding Photos: Part 5

Here are a few photos I took today.

As I said earlier, at this point drone pictures and other aerial photography is best as many streets are now flooded or blocked.

It is still possible to get to the Stoner Boat Launch though, which was my first stop today.  To give a sense of perspective, this image from Google shows what the area normally looks like:

Stoner Boat Launch, Google Maps

You can see the Clyde Fant Parkway north and south bound over to the left.  The parking lot at the top left is the VA overflow parking lot and parking for the Skate Plaza which you see next to the parking lot.  Right now, if you drew a vertical line from the skate park straight down, everything to the right of that line is now water.

So, with that blue pavilion as a point of reference, here's the parking lot which is now a fishing pond:

Stoner Boat Launch, 6/5/2015
In that photo the blue pavilion is on the far right.

People were catching some very large fish out of there today.

Stoner Boat Launch, 6/5/2015
A butterfly was enjoying the rails at the skate park...

Literally everywhere you go on the river people are taking pictures.

High water; Stoner Boat Launch

And the Clyde Fant Parkway is closed.

Turn around.

Undaunted, I put the shoe leather to work...

Clyde Fant Parkway, facing north
Well that would be the Frisbee golf course under water, and that water is getting awfully close to the road.

East and west sides of Parkway under water.
The walking path is well under water but this looks like a great fishing spot, now:

End of the road...
Downtown, things are not any better.

Riverview Hall is sandbagged.

Riverview Hall, 6/5/2015

The Parkway is closed downtown, too; the water is coming up through the drains in front of SciPort:

SciPort parking lot
Why the Parkway is closed:

Clyde Fant Parkway, 6/5/2015
Again, as a point of reference, these are the stairs I was using a few days ago.  The barricades have been moved back closer to the street now, and they aren't letting anyone past them.

Riverview Park, 6/5/2015

The current is incredibly fast.

Red River
A now familiar reference point:

Near Riverview Park
City trucks not afraid of water:

Clyde Fant Parkway
Another familiar reference point:

River Cruise
SciPort is sandbagged:

SciPort sandbagged
And more photographers:

Clyde Fant Parkway
This sculpture is looking more like a watercraft these days:

Along Clyde Fant Parkway
You can see in this shot how close the water is getting to the road:

Clyde Fant Parkway
The J. Bennett Johnston Waterway Visitor Center:

You are no longer allowed on the viewing areas behind the Barnwell; it's all barricaded off now.  Some city employees were behind the barricades looking at the river and some curious citizens went through the open barricade; this is the city employee chasing people off.

It's safe for me but not for you!  Go away!
And a final shot from under the Texas Street bridge:

Through the day the crest prediction was raised to 36.5.

Current levels:

Some apartment complexes are facing possible evacuation.

And, of course, Bobby Jindal was here today.

Thanks for the donations!  It helps keep gas in the Jeep.

Stay dry and watch out for your neighbors.  Be wary of things in the water.  And there are several reports of livestock stranded as officials work rescue operations to save them.  Be safe and help where you can.

Red River Flooding Roundup June 5
Red River Flooding Photos: Part 4 (June 3)
Red River Flooding Roundup June 3
Red River Flooding Photos: Part 3 (June 1)
Red River Flooding Roundup: May 31, 2015.
Red River Flooding photos: Part 1 (May 17)
Red River Flooding Photos Part 2  (May 30)


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