Rush Limbaugh cracks me up! On Barack Obama's now famous gaffe at the DNC last night, Limbaugh said, "The good news...is that Obama was broadcasting from a stranger's house and not a relative's hut!" I wonder which of the fifty-seven states Obama really thought he was in?
(Photo credit: RushLimbaugh.com)
Having grown up 20 miles north of Missouri, and 120 miles north of Kansas City, I may not be an expert on the Show-Me-State, but I know a little bit about Missouri, and I did quite well in the social sciences which includes geography.
I thought it was funny when they first started talking to the "Chosen One" the first time he said he was in St. Louis then a few minutes later he was talking to his masses from Kansas City. I know I-70 is a quick way to get from St. Louis in the east part of Missouri to Kansas City, which is on the opposite side of Missouri in the west.
If Obama could get to K.C. from St. Louis that fast, WOW! He wouldn't need Air Force One if elected. He can just close his eyes and WHAMMO! He's where he wants to be.
"LOOK Anges, I was sitting here watching tv, then all of a sudden, Barack Obama just appeared in the living room!"
"Which one of the 57 states did he come from?"
That's awesome! I miss listening to Rush - I used to all the time but I never get to anymore!
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