Beyond that, I decided last night that it was time to get the Christmas stuff out. I bought a tree this week (the one on the left, pictured) and it has stood silently in the living room awaiting lights and decorations. I gave some thought to "going green" and just leaving it be - au naturel - but decided against it. The Christmas spirit still hasn't just bowled me over yet, but I'm working at it. I hauled all the Christmas boxes out of the cedar closet and started working on the tree. I guess the spirit will come later this year.
Meanwhile, I haven't been blogging much over the past couple of days but a lot of other fine folks have, so let's see what's happening:
Professor Jacobson makes note of a possible prisoner exchange, and Troglopundit turns it into a discussion about bacon. Sort of.
Bride of Rove...god. What can I say?! Twenty-eight White House parties this month and 50,000 people!?!
Disgusting. I first saw this on Michelle Malkin's site, and now Pundette is blogging it as well. Kevin Jennings is absolutely inappropriate for this job. Why is he not fired yet? Another Black Conservative also weighs in.
Doug Ross defines "Islamofascism". With pictures.
The Daley Gator has a nifty Christmas theme and a report on the Copenhagen prostitution plans for the climate change summit. Sex sells, except when they're giving it away.
The Other McCain points to another climate of hate - and a very disturbing trend.
Snow! It was supposed to maybe snow here yesterday, a rarity, but it didn't. It spit a few flurries out for a few minutes. But Fishersville Mike has pretty snow! And The Daily Mush notes the difference between "snow" and "snow job."
Reaganite Republican has the scoop on Max Baucus who nominated his girlfriend for U.S. Attorney.
Donald Douglas has a post and pictures on the Orange County protest against Pelosi.
The blog war between No Sheeples Here and Grandpa John goes to a new level. I'm kind of jealous of that "Will Polka For Beer" sign though. I think I need that.
What's NOT on my Christmas list? A hoof candle. Althouse.
Gateway Pundit reports on a new video and support site for the Navy SEALS who are being prosecuted for giving a terrorist a fat lip.
My brain exploded from trying to figure out what is "religious" about gingerbread houses.
Carolyn Tackett and Ruby Slippers report that most Americans don't believe in global warming.
Wyblog makes note of the Estate Tax vote this week.
I'm done for now, but if you need more, The Camp of the Saints has a most excellent roundup which you should check out - if for no other reason that that crazy cat in the window picture.
I'm off to find candied fruit for my fruitcake cookies and to finish decorating my house for Christmas. Maybe by this evening the Christmas spirit will have arrived. Why am I not into this year, yet? One of life's mysteries.
Glad you liked the snow picture. My eight-year-old is on his third set of clothes for the day before lunch.
American Power tracked-back with, "Tea Party America's Christmas Wish List: 'Kiss My Astroturf' - STOP Health-Care Take-Over, and More!!".
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