Starting off with a wave to Jimmie because he's posted Eric Clapton videos. Yeah. I saw Eric Clapton this summer. I breathed the same air for a couple of hours. I'm still not over it.
Professor Jacobson had a couple of posts that caught my eye this week. The first is about the health care mandate; you could end up in jail if you don't get coverage. The other is an excellent post about the ghouls hovering over the grave of poor Bill Sparkman.
Donald Douglas has some words on the Sparkman affair as well.
Little Miss Attila talks about coffee.
Carolyn Tackett has her eyes on page 80-81 of the Baucus bill.
Ruby Slippers is also looking at the Baucus bill and the fact that Baucus doesn't want anyone to know what it says. Brings crazy to a whole new level.
I'm pretty sure that Left Coast Rebel isn't a fan of Michael Moore.
Ann Althouse has her camera out again!
Chris Wysocki has the post on Sarkozy's take down of the Pantywaist President, as does Fausta and Yukio.
The Daley Gator is getting giddy over the LGF/RSM feud!

The Inside Gitmo Blog has an eye on Team Obama's backpeddling on Club Gitmo.
Pundette has questions about Obama's speechwriters.
This is an eye opening post by Bride of Rove.
Liberty Belle had an excellent piece this week on the NEA brouhaha.
The Classic Liberal would like you to meet Congressman Joe Sixpack!
Honesty in Motion has some thoughts about the Russians.
and last but never least, Stacy McCain is watching Neal Barofsky which is a lot better than what these people did.
And now, I'm off to dig into my hot fried chicken and settle in for a quiet night. I'm too old for all that wildness.
Happy Birthday. I figured you were concentrating on the LSU game this afternoon.
Happy birthday Pat, thanks for the linkage!
Happy Birthday
I understand that Stacy McCain designed a special birthday card in honor of the event. Unfortunately it doesn't contain any links to Hannah Giles bikini pics. Oh well, maybe next year. Maybe the POTUS will break out the teleprompter and give a speech. What do you know, he is right now. What are the odds?
Seriously, I hope you had a great one. Thanks for the link & the advice too =)
Happy happy! And many more <;-)
Happy Birthday Pat! :) Here's hoping for many, many more.
Happy Birthday and welcome to the half century club. When I hit the mark my friends said that 50 was the new 30. I think that was supposed to make me feel better.
A very Happy Hawaii 5-0, Pat.
Health and happiness to you and yours.
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