So, to the links:
Starting out with Ed Morrissey at Hot Air because he has a great post on whether or not the Obamacare mandate is constitutional. (It's not.) He lays it all out, so go take a look. Doug Ross also addresses this question.
Stacy McCain has been doing some great work this week reporting on the Doug Hoffman campaign. Stacy and his cohorts, Smitty and Jimmie, have kept The Other McCain at the top of my blogroll all week. Although, I'm hearing Stacy may be needing some bail money. Hoffman is looking to be a strong closer, I think! Dede? Not so much.
Honesty in Motion is also keeping up with NY-23 as is Bob Belvedere.
Speaking of elections, Wyblog has a post on Corzine.
Pundette has a great post on cultural dropouts and civility.
Legal Insurrection takes a look at the LGM attack on Caroline Glick.
Ruby Slippers had a post on the Cheney v. Obama story this week.
Left Coast Rebel has a post on Jeb Bush and his "advice" to Republicans. Read my lips: No more Bushes! Carolyn Tackett is also pondering the future of Republicans.
I enjoyed Trog's post this week about blogging and traffic. My traffic has been in the cellar ever since school started back in the fall. I've resigned myself to the fact that my traffic is going to be hit and miss depending on when I'm blogging full time or working a job that pays my bills. I get linkage from my very generous blogging buddies, I get the occasional Instalanche, and I've been linked by Malkin a few times, Coulter, Hot Air, Linkiest, and Fark. (I can't figure out why I never appear on the trackbacks when I link to Hot Air.) Those high traffice days are the fun days - Trog is right. We don't blog for money (at least I don't - does anybody really make money at this?), but for the joy of writing, learning, and the traffic.
Carol is back with her most excellent FMJRA post! I've missed her Saturday round-ups. And she linked me, even though the link goes to someone else. I love her anyway. :) (It's okay Carol, The Daley Gator's link to me went somewhere else, too, in his Saturday linkage. I'm cursed on linkage this week.) And she has a new, not-president approved sheep. Love those sheep.
Cassandra invites you to join the A-Team!
Liberty Belle has a wonderful "scatterbrained" cornucopia post.
Althouse has a post for Soupy Sales.
Fausta reports on a huge refinery explosion in Puerto Rico; I better go gas up my car before oil prices triple!
Sarah has finally dried out enough from the Georgia floods to tell her story and update her blog!
Critical Narrative questions the authority of Obama's czars to act without consulting with the president, among other things.
*Heh!* Grandpa John wonders about the Florida Gator ACORN connection! This one is for Grandpa John, gleefully swiped from Texas Rainmaker:
And on that note, I'm going to hang up my LSU flag and start my day.
The link has been repaired. So sorry. I was sleepy and tired when I hit the publish button. Can you forgive me?
I'd seen Brown's video before, but not with annotations. Priceless.
Thanks for the link. I thought you might like it. Gator Doug claimed I was drunk.
You're so cute! I know all about sleepy & tired...
Sounds like my butt is not the only one school is kicking right now. Ugh...
Yes, Our best and brightest are those in Congress.
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