I will say that I'm thrilled with the Christie win, not shocked by the McDonnell win, and encouraged by the NY-23 race. I really thought Hoffman could pull that one out, but so it goes. As Britt Hume said last night, "That's why you have primaries." Part of the issue in that election was a time issue; it was a late-breaking campaign from the very beginning. Hoffman fought a great fight and there's a lot to be encouraged about there.
Stacy McCain reports from the Hoffman headquarters:
The liberal Republican Scozzafava suspended her campaign four days before Election Day, but still got about 7,000 votes -- a number greater than the margin of victory for the Democrat she endorsed, Bill Owens. Her defeat was victory enough for some conservatives, on a night when the GOP swept the off-off-year gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey. And the candidate who drove Scozzafava out of the race struck a defiant tone in conceding his narrow loss to Owens.
"This one was worth the fight.…. And this is only one fight in the battle," said Hoffman, an accountant who began his campaign as an utter unknown but finished as the hero of what John Gizzi of Human Events called a nationwide "crusade" by conservatives.
So, yes, there's much to be encouraged about.And no time to lick wounds or savor victories! The 2010 elections are just around the corner and there's always Florida!
(More at Memeorandum)
And credit to you for covering the Hoffman tale. He came out of nowhere, and almost pulled it off.
This gives hope to many others in obscure places and districts.
Could it be some of those votes for the failed GOP candidates were early votes, already cast before she pulled out?
In any case, Owen wins with a minority of the votes, and lives in a glass house.
Great work on all of this Pat--thank you.
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