First up is the annual Battle of the Bloody Marys at Nader's Gallery on Saturday, December 3.
This year the good folks at Naders will donate a percentage of their sales for the day to Holy Angels and Gingerbread House. We went to this event last year and sampled terrific Bloody Marys and took care of some Christmas shopping at the same time. I am usually #teamedward on the Bloody Marys but willing to try new things!
The next event on my list is The Spirit of Christmas Brassed at the Broadmoor Presbyterian Church on Grover St. at 7:00 on Saturday, December 3. This event is $10 at the door and will benefit The Salvation Army. I love a great brass section so I'm really looking forward to this. Here is a sample from Vimeo of the brass quintet:
The I-49 Brass Quintet at Broadmoor Presbyterian Shreveport from Frank Moore on Vimeo.
And then there is the classic It's a Wonderful Life at Shreveport Little Theater, this time as a radio play. This production runs December 1-11 and is sure to sell out, so order tickets ASAP if you want to see this.
We went to see The 1940s Radio Hour last year which was fabulous and I think (but don't know) that this will be the same sort of format - It's a Wonderful Life as a radio play. Can't wait!
Finally, Stage Center on Common Street in downtown Shreveport is performing A Christmas Story through December 3.
It's not Christmas without A Christmas Story.
This Saturday, November 26, the annual Rockets Over the Red begins at 3 with fireworks closing the evening. If you're into crowds and fireworks this is a fun show.
I'm sure there are many more cool events going on that I haven't discovered yet; if you know of something please post in the comments and I'll follow up.