Ah blogging is such a stressful business, sometimes! I was trying so hard to do it all right, to follow all the Rules, and in my haste to meet my Rule 2 obligations the other night, I've nearly invited a Rule 4 down on me. Stress!
I didn't mean to but I'm afraid I've insulted my friend at Legal Insurrection with my post about his "quick, newsy posts" which obviously was such a silly thing to say to a blogger who pours his heart and soul into his craft every single day. And in his spare time. My friend William, who actually made my week by throwing a mini 'Lanche my way by his own obedience to Rule 2! I was only trying to reciprocate, but did it poorly!
So, blogoverse, let me clarify my silly previous post and just say that Legal Insurrection is the greatest blog I've ever seen. It is full of insightful commentary on the human condition, with a wit-tinged subtext calling out for hope in a world of change, bringing joy to many all in HIS spare time.
I *heart* you LI, and please accept my groveling. :) As for the rest of you, please go read his stuff before he invokes Rule 4 on me.
Update: Welcome The Other McCain readers! I'm most grateful to receive my second RSM'Lanche! Now if I could just get on his blogroll....
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