Yes, the picture is a little fuzzy, but I feel a little fuzzy right now! I survived Eric Clapton and it was awesome! More to come on that. Dallas was awesome - I love the DART thing. Nikki was awesome - I have the cutest daughter ever. My grand-puppy is awesome. Steve was awesome for seeing to it that I got there and back safely. Is that enough "awesome" for you? I thrilled and amazed my twitter people all day yesterday with my stunning pictorial images of my trip. You can check those out if you missed them over there on the Twitter link.
Meanwhile, the past 24 hours has been a crazy news cycle which I have totally been unable to blog on and my sitemeter is in the cellar. The cellar of the cellar, actually.
I'm going to unpack, regroup, and then get back to blogging.
By the way, Clapton was awesome!
You are so freaking adorable and thanks for the "Georgia on My Mind" tweet! I missed it b/c you spelled my name wrong but saw it when I looked at your Twitter feed...ironically, one of my fave songs! lol Glad you guys had a good time! Did you throw your panties???
Huh... Not a big crowd that night?
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