Anybody know what it is?
His approach to the issue was that of the law student suddenly fascinated by a science project.
Folks, what the hell is so much less delicate about the Gulf of Mexico than ANWR, where we could drill much more safely than in the Gulf? Nothing—that’s what. The ecosystems in the Gulf are far more vulnerable than those in ANWR—as are the local economies that depend on them.Gateway Pundit has video of Liz Cheney's evaluation of Obama's response:
"Going down to Louisiana and saying, 'Gosh, you know I'm heartbroken, I'm angry, I'm frustrated, and then going on vacation to Chicago really doesn't send a message that this is a man who is leading."
"I didn't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf. I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."
"The level of cleanup and cooperation we've gotten from BP in the past is in no way consistent to the effort shown on the island today," [Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris] Roberts said by telephone. "As soon as the president left, they were immediately put back on the buses and sent home."I don't think for one moment that Obama gives a damn about the coast or the people in south Louisiana who are losing their livelihood because of this spill. Such a narcissist can not be concerned about others to the level he would have us believe he is.
Now, we have said for weeks now we'd much rather fight this oil on a sandy barrier island than fight it inside our wetlands. We've got miles and miles of these islands… [and w]e proposed a plan, 24 segments, to rebuild or refortify these islands.
“After weeks -- and if they had approved this when we first asked, we could have built 10 miles. Ten miles… Yesterday, the Army Corps of Engineers approved six segments out of 24, over 40 miles out of 100. But here's where our concern was. The federal government only ordered BP to pay for to do one of those six segments. That's two miles out of 100. Our message to the president today was, make BP pay for this. The federal government shouldn't be making excuses for BP. This is their spill, their oil. They're the responsible party. Make them responsible.
Bringing fallen troops home is a relatively modern idea. Until the late 19th century, military authorities did little to differentiate and identify dead troops...The modern system for cataloguing and burying military dead effectively began during the Civil War, when the enormity of the carnage triggered a wholesale revolution in how the U.S. treated fallen troops. Congress decided that the defenders of the Union were worthy of special burial sites for their sacrifices, and set up a program of national cemeteries.In both World Wars families were given a choice regarding the burial of their loved ones; they could be brought home or buried in overseas cemeteries - Normandy, for example. And, oh, the Pacific:
During the war, more than 300,000 dead Union soldiers were buried in small cemeteries scattered across broad swaths of the U.S. When the fighting stopped, military authorities launched an ambitious effort to collect the remains and rebury them in the handful of national cemeteries.
World War II posed a bigger logistical challenge, since American war dead were scattered around the globe. Nearly 80,000 U.S. troops died in the Pacific, for example, and 65,000 of their bodies were first buried in almost 200 battlefield cemeteries there.
Once the fighting ended, the bodies were dug up and consolidated into larger regional graveyards. The first returns of World War II dead took place in the fall of 1947, six years after the attack at Pearl Harbor. Eventually, 171,000 of the roughly 280,000 identified remains were brought back to the U.S.
Over at Andy's place there is talk of the Patriot Guard Riders showing up to help shield the family from these disgusting protesters. There is an active chapter of the group here in Louisiana, so let's hope they can assist.GOD HATES AMERICA & IS KILLING OUR TROOPS IN HIS WRATH.
Military funerals have become pagan orgies of idolatrous blasphemy, where they pray to the dunghill gods of Sodom & play taps to a fallen fool.
This message to be preached in respectful, lawful proximity to the memorial of Spc. Joshua A. Tomlinson Sat., May 29, at 1:15 p.m. First Baptist Minden
301 Pennsylvania Ave., Minden, LA
Spc. Tomlinson gave his life for the Constitutional right of WBC to warn America. To deny us our First Amendment rights is to declare to the world that Spc. Tomlinson died in vain, and that America is a nation of sodomite hypocrites.
“Except the Lord build the house, They labor in vain that build it; Except the Lord keep the city, The watchman waketh but in vain.” Psa. 127:1.
The Lord no longer builds the American house; nor does the Lord watch over and protect America. These soldiers are dying for the homosexual and other sins of America. God is now America’s enemy, and God Himself is fighting against America.
Stay tuned.From the Board of Directors, we have been working on the website since it went down and we believe this is a result of outside action. We are putting all the resources we have available on the problem.
We will have the website up ASAP. We appreciate your patience and we are communicating with the Regional and State Captains regarding missions. Unfortunately, at this time we do not have estimated time of resolution.
Please note the emails servers are still in operations at this time. For those of you that are wishing to join the PGR, please be patient we will be back online ASAP! Thanks for everyone’s concern and support! The Mission WILL go on!
On Sunday the Patriot Guard escorted the body of Sgt. Tomlinson back home. My son (10 years old) and I had the unexpected privilege to ride beside the group for 17 miles on our way home from Shreveport. To give you an idea of how many riders were in the procession, I got on I-20 at MP21 and when I exited at MP 38 I could barely make out the lights of the police car in front and could not see the end behind me. I was moved to tears to see the support and respect these riders had for Sgt. Tomlinson and my son rode in silent awe. My thoughts and prayers are with the Tomlinson family. Minden is a big Baptist town and we protect our own. Strangers stirring up trouble will not be tolerated.I'm glad the Guard is involved at it must be a solace to Spc. Tomlinson's family. Now let's just hope that the service is as peaceful and dignified as he deserves. I've heard from a lot of folks who plan on attending to honor him. Line the streets with flags!
Please let your readers know that all are welcome to stand with us as long as they stand with respect. Under no circumstances will we engage in, or condone, physical violence against any protestor(s) that may show up. As another reader commented, it only gives them free publicity. Our methods are to ignore them and shield the family from them. The media and all the worried whispers and gossip has already helped them as it has drawn some of the attention away from the hero we are honoring. IGNORE THEM.
Live video of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill shows the underwater plume getting significantly darker. A top oil engineering expert says that suggests heavier, more polluting oil is spewing out.
The color of the oil gushing from the main pipe has changed in color from medium gray to black. Two scientists noticed the change, which oil company BP downplayed as a natural fluctuation that is not likely permanent.
But engineering professor Bob Bea at the University of California at Berkeley says the color change may indicate the BP leak has hit a reservoir of more oil and less gas.
Salazar, Napolitano and the Senate delegation will conduct a flyover of the affected areas, discuss the latest response efforts in Louisiana and along the Gulf Coast with federal officials leading the effort as well as BP representatives, and meet with Gov. Bobby Jindal and local community and industry leaders.
The Senate delegation will be made up of Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Mary Landrieu, D-La., and David Vitter, R-La.
"If God is looking down on us today I don't think he is happy with us discussing how we can carry our guns to church," Rep. Barbara Norton, D-Shreveport, a major opponent of the bill, said. "The church is a place of peace. I don't think God said it was OK to carry a gun in the house of the Lord.
"Nowhere does it say (in Scripture) the Lord said you have to have a gun in church. If you need to have a gun in church, you need to go to another church."
"...When I think about, uh, we have no metal detectors that that is required to be placed in churches. We don't know who is it may be sitting right next to us and a gun may go off and someone else thinks someone is shooting and then you have a lot of people pulling their guns. The other thing is we may live in areas where there are crimes but at the same time that's what we pay our policemens and our sheriffs and our marshalls to protect us. If we give everybody a gun and tell them to go and start doing protecting themselves and others then we're taking it out of the hands of the law."Video of Tamron Hall's interview is here.
Although I don’t do the atavistic blood-vengeance enemies-list thing — it’s too much hassle to keep track of all the people who’ve screwed me over – I must occasionally point out how I get screwed over, just so that my peers in the Chopped-Liver-Sphere know that they’re not alone.
Solidarity is very important in the Legion of the Doomed. Otherwise, we might become even more demoralized than we already are.
Insurance lobbyists are trying to shape regulations that will define “unreasonable” premium increases and require them to pay rebates to consumers if the companies do not spend enough on patient care.What is "unreasonable" and who decides? The Democrats just wanted to pass this thing; they couldn't be worried about defining the rules! The details can be worked out later! Pass it then WRITE what's in it.
Another provision, effective Jan. 1, requires that a minimum percentage of premium dollars be spent on true medical costs related to patient care — not retained by insurers as profit or used to cover administrative expenses. Insurers must refund money to consumers if they do not meet the standards, known as minimum loss ratios.
Michael W. Fedyna, vice president and chief actuary of Aetna, underlined the importance of this issue, saying no other aspect of the law would be so “influential in shaping the future of the health care marketplace in the United States.”
The definition of medical loss ratio will “determine the willingness of health plans to enter new markets and remain in existing markets,” he said.
Some consumer advocates, like Carmen L. Balber of Consumer Watchdog, favor a strict, narrow definition of quality improvement activities, limited to those that produce measurable benefits to individual patients.The problem is that in the massive Obamacare bill, nobody really knew what they were passing. The Democrats that voted for Obamacare simply voted for an idea, an ideal, even, a Utopian plan they could conceive but not implement.
Alissa Fox, a senior vice president of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, said that if the definition is too narrow, “health plans will come under enormous pressure to cut back quality improvement activities, including highly effective programs to reduce hospital infection rates.”
Why does such a production warrant the support of the people of the State of Texas? Will people standby as as tax breaks and other valuable resources– such as shooting access at the State Capitol, which likely required closing it off from the public– are poured into the creation of divisive, reductive and ultimately offensive portrayal of Mexicans and Americans alike, whether white, black, brown or otherwise.
“We need better than phony assertions that he’d ever set up death panels in Medicare, or interfere in personal health care decisions made between patients and their doctors,’’ Kerry said. “Frankly, we need a more honest debate than we had over health reform itself, which didn’t serve anyone well. It’s time to permanently retire these ridiculous accusations from politics and thoughtfully consider our nominees so that first rate experts won’t shy away from public service.’’
"The more I have studied it, the more I believe that less discretion for doctors would improve patient safety." He then looks down. "Doctors will hate me for saying that."