Man...it's August; I'm distracted and unfocused.
Well, I'm really focused on work right now and getting the school year off to a good start. There are a lot of little details, procedures, and paperwork that need to be handled. That's consuming a lot of my energy right now. It'll level off, soon.
I just can't write about this mosque anymore. It's such a cut and dry issue to me, I just can't continue writing about how morally wrong it is for this mosque to happen.
Bride of Rove nailed it for me today on this issue:
Ground Zero Victory Mosque? I’m against it. Had they named it anything but the Cordoba Project and insisted on dedicating it on 9-11 and if they had more than $17k in the bank with the funding coming from mystery money and had Atlas Shrugs not uncovered the truth about the Imam in charge – meh – maybe. But given all that? Who the hell out there can support it other than on the lame-assed “It’s legal” defense? It’s offensive and aweful and should be shut down before the first brick is touched
Read what she wrote and know my response is "what she said!"
I'm also really interested in
this post by Chris Harnisch regarding Yemen, but alas, I'm unfocused. I can't force my grey matter to delve deeply enough into it to matter right now.
You know, I had an email conversation with a friend this weekend about blogging; how do you keep going when it all just gets silly and redundant and you get to the point where you can't even make it relevant anymore. I finally decided, it's just August. It'll come back around.
Right now what I'm really focused on is my
Stieg Larsson series
. I read the first book, as you know. Then I read the second one and when I finished it Sunday night I was all, "What the HELL! How can he leave me like this!" Thank goodness I'm reading them so far behind everyone else because now I have all three. If I'd had to wait several months before getting my hands on book number three, I'd be furious! He SOOOOOOO left me hanging. Tsk, tsk.
So I'm just beginning book three,
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
, and...well, I'm focused on THAT. I can't wait to find out what happens to Lisbeth Salander. (Please don't tell me!). As I finish them I pass them off to my brother; he's equally enthralled.
But, you know, if I was focused enough to blog about something it might be
this post from Hot Air about Charlie Crist's sinking fortunes. Heh!
Or I'd especially like to cover
this one about the moratorium. Via
The Wall Street Journal,:
Senior Obama administration officials concluded the federal moratorium on deepwater oil drilling would cost roughly 23,000 jobs, but went ahead with the ban because they didn't trust the industry's safety equipment and the government's own inspection process, according to previously undisclosed documents.
Oh man. That one's gonna hurt...; Michelle Malkin weighed in on this one,
And consider this, although at this point, it's just rumor because I haven't confirmed it in great detail, but according to a source, he told me his firm has been "rehiring" workers that were "laid off" some sixty days ago because for each "new hire" there is a $5000 tax credit under Obama's jobs program.
WTF? Can you do that?
PolitiFact says:
With his first year in office under his belt and unemployment still high, President Barack Obama called for additional help for the economy through a tax credit for businesses that add jobs...The tax credit would be $5,000 for every new worker employed in 2010. It would be capped at $500,000 per firm.
Hmph. No potential for fraud there, no?
I don't think I WANT to focus on the possibilities there...
Obama's index is -14 today as he chips away on the greens on Martha's Vineyard and the rest of us squabble over jobs and mosques and the country goes to hell in a handbasket.
Ah, August.
Please go away.